Kimutatták az ADE-et a Wuhan-Covid-Vírus oltásos antitestekre. Azaz antitest okozta immun túlaktíválást – a Dengue lázhoz hasonlóan -okozhat
A kutatók rizikósnak találják a tömeges oltásokat….
In conclusion, ADE may occur in people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors) and then exposed to a Delta variant.
Since our data indicate that Delta variants are especially well recognized by infection enhancing antibodies targeting the NTD, the possibility of ADE should be further investigated as it may represent a potential risk for mass vaccination during the current Delta variant pandemic.
Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both
the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A
potential risk for mass vaccination?
Nouara Yahi
Henri Chahinian
Jacques Fantini
INSERM UMR_S 1072, Aix-Marseille Université, 13015 Marseille,